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                    JOURNAL FOR TUESDAY 27TH NOVEMBER, 2012

SUBJECT: Big Room Lock update
   DATE: Tue Nov 27 21:30:52 GMT 2012

So I've just finished relocating the locking mutex - BRL, Big Room Lock - from
thing to location. Was it worth it? What difference did it make?

Before the changes running 8192 bots[1] took about 31Mb of memory. By putting
the locking mutex on only the locations instead of thing this drops to 15Mb.
Quite a nice difference. There are also about 8,100 less objects on the heap.

Now I have to go back and remove the locking tests from thing and add them to
location. I also have to update the command tests that now need to use
uid.UIDLocker instead of thing.Interface :(

Now I should be able to modify the command struct so that the Locks field is
not exported. Then move the locking code out of player and into command where
it belongs. If I leave the locking code where it is and export Locks someone
is bound to use it and break things in wierd and wonderful ways.


  [1] See yesterday's entry 26.html

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