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                   JOURNAL FOR TUESDAY 13TH NOVEMBER, 2012

SUBJECT: Argh! What is wrong with me? :(
   DATE: Tue Nov 13 20:55:14 GMT 2012

Just for a change this weekend was a quiet one. I planned to work on WolfMUD
and sort out two niggling problems: Inventories and command handling. As a
side issue I wanted to get the mutex moved from things to locations.

However, for whatever reason I just could not code anything descent. Normally
when coding I keep a mental model of the code in my head which allows me to
flit around all of the code, dipping in and out of multiple source files
easily. Over the weekend I just couldn't hold onto the model. I couldn't focus
and I'd code away for an hour or so before throwing the changes away and
starting over again.

I tried again last night only to get the same results.

Bah! Humbug! :(


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