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                               GETTING STARTED

For development on Windows you will need:

        Go - https://github.com/golang/go
       Git - https://git-scm.com/download/win
    PuTTY* - https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html

  * Telnet support on Windows is currently a bit funky. Any Telnet client that
  you can make work in line mode should be ok, although even PuTTY sometimes
  does weird things - like a doubled up prompt.

Open a command prompt, edit it's properties (icon top left of window) to set
the buffer and screen width to 132, then type:

  cd C:\
  mkdir WolfMUD
  cd WolfMUD
  set GOPATH=C:\WolfMUD
  go get code.wolfmud.org/WolfMUD.git/...
  cd bin

Server will start. Run PuTTY (in telnet mode) or another line mode telnet
client and connect to port 4001.

For development on Linux you will need:

Check your distribution's pack manager for Git and Go or check:

        Go - https://github.com/golang/go
       Git - https://git-scm.com/download/win

A telnet client should definitely be available in the package manager.

Open a terminal, make it wide so lines won't wrap. Then type:

  cd ~
  mkdir WolfMUD
  cd WolfMUD
  GOPATH=C:\WolfMUD go get code.wolfmud.org/WolfMUD.git/...
  cd bin

Server will start. Run PuTTY (in telnet mode) or another line mode telnet
client and connect to port 4001.

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