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                      JOURNAL FOR SUNDAY 25TH JUNE, 2023

SUBJECT: School’s out, Mere tests completed, early functions
   DATE: Sun 25 Jun 19:07:09 BST 2023

I completed the “Developer School” work decided to enrol me on. However, I
don’t see a way of being able to sit the accompanying draconian certification
exam. I don’t have any photo identification for starters. I physically cannot
be “detained” in a room for two hours. I don’t run MacOS or Windows and they
don’t allow virtual machines. Lastly there is no way I’m going to voluntarily
install their mandatory spyware that scans the system, takes control of the
camera and microphone and watches everything you and the machine do while they
monitor the testing. I’m not kidding — tab to another application or leave the
testing application window and it’s only one way of getting an automatic fail.
And those are just the most egregious requirements — there are many more…

This is supposed to be certification for a low-code development tool! WTF? ;(

I have signed far too many non-disclosure agreements to have someone go poking
around my systems. There is also no way I’m letting spyware within my network.

So, thanks but no thanks :|

Last Wednesday the Go developers released a Go 1.21 release candidate. I built
it from source and tried it out. Due to changes in the WASM support, possibly
due to new support for the WASI (WebAssembly System Interface) port?, Mere ICE
is very broken. Seems WASM is not under the Go compatibility promise :(

Wednesday I also completed writing all of the tests after adding support for
the uint unsigned integer data type to Mere. It was only when I was committing
everything to Git, and trying out Go 1.21, I realised I had not updated the
Mere ICE documentation for uints *sigh*

As I had a clean deck, and before updating the documentation, I wanted to
experiment a little with a few ideas I had for implementing user functions in
Mere. I felt I needed some proper programming to cheer myself up.

Below is an early peek at work in progress and is not the final form functions
will take. This is just a simple example I had up and running after a couple
of hours play time:

    >cat fun.mr
    call add 5 7
    println "join: ", call join "abc" "…" "xyz"

      printf " add: %d+%d=%d\n" @[1] @[0] @[1]+@[0]

    join: rcall @[2]+@[1]+@[0]

    >mere fun.mr
     add: 5+7=12
    join: abc…xyz

Here we have two functions ‘add’ and ‘join’. In ‘add’ we print the addition of
the parameters. In ‘join’ we return a value — the result of concatenating the
parameters. The ‘rcall’ (return from call) is a stand-in for ‘return’ — which
is currently used to return from a subroutine. The function names are plain
labels and there are no named parameters yet. Parameters are passed as the ‘@’
integer keyed map, and the parameters are in reverse order which needs fixing.

Simple, very ugly, baby steps :)

For now I’ve set functions aside and am working on updating the documentation.
Then I’ll release Mere ICE v0.0.3 before getting back to functions. I may look
at getting Mere ICE to work with Go 1.20.5 and the Go 1.21 release candidate,
or just leave it to sort out when Go 1.21 is actually released.


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