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                    JOURNAL FOR SATURDAY 19TH MARCH, 2022

SUBJECT: New /WHO and /WHOAMI commands + bug fixes & updates
   DATE: Sat 19 Mar 16:26:08 GMT 2022

I think everything is almost ready for a v0.0.19 release. Not quite, nearly.
I’ve started going through the docs/zone-files.txt file checking that all of
the currently documented features have been implemented in the new code and
are working as expected. As I go through the document I’ve been correcting
spelling and grammar mistakes and adding more examples as I go.

The missing /WHO command has been implemented and shows who else is currently

  You are all alone in this world.

  Other players:


  Current player population: 3

There is no formatting of the list, limiting or filtering yet. That is planned
but wasn’t in the v0.0.18 release. Current in-game players are kept in a new
core.state map. Players are added to the map by the $POOF command and removed
by the QUIT command. The map will have other uses: locating players, summoning
players to a location or teleporting to a player’s location.

There is a new /WHOAMI command to remind yourself who you are. Useful when
testing or playing with multiple accounts and you forget which terminal window
is which:

  You are Diddymus.

I still need to implement the missing /PROMPT command.

A player’s name is now limited to 15 characters during account creation.

Before this change the length of names was not restricted. This allowed some
players to use really long names so they could not easily be interacted with.
As a side note, the character name is supposed to be a short first name. There
are plans to add family names and titles at a later date.

A bug has been fixed where the Thing.Event map was not being cleaned up when
suspending events. Another event related bug causing anything loaded in a
disabled state to have active events while out of play is now fixed.

All changes are now out on the public dev branch.

In other news, Go 1.18 is out and I’m using it. At the moment WolfMUD is not
using any of the 1.18 features like generics. I have been playing with the new
GOAMD64 setting, but my old processors can only go up to GOAMD64=v2 :/

The GOAMD64 setting seems to be a bit of an odd one and I’ll still be building
releases with the default GOAMD64=v1. If other people want to take advantage
of newer CPU features they will have to compile WolfMUD from source…


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