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                    JOURNAL FOR MONDAY 31ST OCTOBER, 2022

SUBJECT: Happy Halloween
   DATE: Mon 31 Oct 18:55:37 GMT 2022

Usually at Halloween I like to push out a new release of WolfMUD. Sadly, this
year I have nothing :(

For the past few months I’ve been working on Mere, my programming language,
instead of WolfMUD. Mere v0.0.5 is not quite ready yet, so I don’t even have a
new release of that to push out.

People still ask why I’m bothering with Mere at all. Mere is a small personal
project. It’s something I want. I can see it also being useful for WolfMUD and
I have some client projects at work that can use it.

After writing my last post I had a “holy crap!” moment of inspiration. This
caused a further rewrite of Mere, halfway through the current rewrite it was
going though. Ah well :/ It simplified the code a lot with a minor trade-off
in performance. The counter benchmark as gone from an average of 3047ms to
3345ms and the bubble sort from an average of 113μs to 114μs.

Currently I’m going through all of the operators and built-in functions making
sure they are complete and writing tests for each of them. So far 18 of 26
operators and 4 of 31 built-in functions have tests. Some built-ins such as
trace and dump will need different tests as they cannot be tested by Mere
itself. Most of the examples are executing successfully with a minor tweak,
the target for GOTO and GOSUB now needs to be quoted. Not too happy about
that, but for now it is what it is :(

At some point I want to document Mere’s internals and write a proper manual
for the language. That is two future projects on their own.

And that’s where I am at, busy cranking out code and doing a lot of testing.

Now, it’s time to get out the pumpkin again!


                                /  __    __  \
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                               HAPPY HALLOWEEN!


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