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                    JOURNAL FOR MONDAY 31ST JANUARY, 2022

SUBJECT: A little more progress on player health
   DATE: Mon 31 Jan 19:48:51 GMT 2022

Just time, if I’m really quick, to squeeze in one last journal entry for this
month. I’m still on the hunt for the elusive Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W and the
mythical Raspberry Pi 4B 8Gb — all the usual haunts are still deserted :(

I’ve continued work on player health and the HIT command. I can now provide an
updated terminal session:

  [North bridge]
  You are standing on the west side of an incomplete bridge. By the looks of
  it the city wants to expand onto the far banks of the river. Down river to
  the south you see another bridge in a similar state of construction.

  You see Diddymus here.

  You see exits: west
  You hit Diddymus.
  You hit Diddymus.

Meanwhile, in another other terminal:

  [North bridge]
  You are standing on the west side of an incomplete bridge. By the looks of
  it the city wants to expand onto the far banks of the river. Down river to
  the south you see another bridge in a similar state of construction.

  You see Fred here.

  You see exits: west
  Fred hits you.
  Fred hits you.

It works. The code is ugly :( I started adding the code to regenerate health,
in the hope of seeing past the ugly. It kinda, sorta, mostly works…

As you can probably tell I not very happy with the code at the moment. I had
this problem with the 0.0.18 version as well. Sometimes you have to write the
code, even if it’s ugly, and then iterate over it a lot and work out why it’s
ugly and how to make it beautiful — or at least palatable to others reading
the code :P Sometimes working on the ugly gives you a light bulb moment of
clarity, at which point you simply throw the ugly out and start over.

Hopefully I’ll have some real progress to report, and code to share, soon. I
actually delayed writing this entry in the hope of making more progress over
the weekend. Ah well :(

While writing this Go 1.18beta2 was released. Shame I can’t tell easily what
changed from the beta1. Guess I’ll have to grab the repo and skim the logs.


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