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                    JOURNAL FOR SUNDAY 31ST OCTOBER, 2021

SUBJECT: WolfMUD v0.0.19-beta.1 released
   DATE: Sun 31 Oct 15:49:54 GMT 2021

The first beta release of the next WolfMUD, v0.0.19-beta.1, is now available
for download[1].

I haven’t made snapshots or beta versions available before[2]. Instead I rely
on interested parties to pull the latest changes from the Git repository. The
next version of WolfMUD, v0.0.19, will be an almost complete rewrite from the
ground up. As a result there there has been more interest from users, and not
just developers, who have said they would like access to the work in progress.
I don’t expect non-developers to have to mess around with Git and users have
said as much. As a result I have made this beta version available, I plan on
additional betas and release candidates going forwards.

Time to get out the pumpkin again!


                                /  __    __  \
                                   \/ __ \/
                                   _  \/  _
                                 \  \/\/\/  /

                               HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Main highlights from the release notes:


  - Player commands can now refer to SELF and MY. For example "examine self",
    "drop my sword", "drop all my weapon". The MY reference currently only
    works on items in a player's inventory. If a player drops an item it is no
    longer considered theirs until they pick it up again.


  - Nearly everything... the experiment branch has moved to the dev branch.
    Version v0.0.19 will be a complete rewrite of WolfMUD v0.0.18 from the
    ground up. The only code kept from v0.0.18 is the recordjar package. The
    text package is mostly intact with some clean-up, Fold has been rewritten.
  - The zone files are the same as v0.0.18 apart from a few fixed typos.
  - The Makefile and build files are the same as v0.0.18, apart from a minor
    tweak for retrieving versions from Git.
  - The docs directory is from v0.0.18 and may be a little inaccurate.
  - Existing player files should continue working 'as is'.
  - Barriers to limit mobiles to an area are not implemented yet.
  - Player health is not implemented yet.
  - The player commands HIT, TALK, TELL, WHICH, WHISPER, WHO and /PROMPT are
    not implemented yet.
  - The behaviour of some player commands may differ to v0.0.18 and all player
    commands need to be reviewed.

Known Bugs / Issues

  - The player display when quitting needs cleaning up.
  - Network quotas are not implemented yet.
  - IP addresses of players appear in the server log.
  - Configuration settings are hard-coded and not via a configuration file.
  - The commands #DUMP, #TELEPORT and #GOTO can be used by anyone.
  - The #DUMP command output can be messy if there are long "words" that cannot
    be broken on white-space.
  - Statistics are not periodically logged by the server yet.
  - Removal of stop words not implemented yet. This means "examine apple" will
    work while "examine the apple" will not.


  [1] Download area: ../../../downloads/

  [2] Actually, a decade ago I made three prototypes available. Do they count?

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