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                    JOURNAL FOR FRIDAY 15TH JANUARY, 2021

SUBJECT: Minor dev branch update for module mode + Makefiles
   DATE: Fri 15 Jan 19:21:55 GMT 2021

I’ve spent time recently sorting out module mode for WolfMUD and even more
time writing, rewriting and tweaking Makefiles. The real killer was all of the
testing, especially for the new release builder Makefile. I still need to
update the getting started documentation. In the meantime, I’ve pushed out an
update to the public dev branch. Any feedback (especially on the Makefiles)
would be greatly appreciated.

PLEASE NOTE: The Makefiles are only for Linux the moment. You don’t need to
use any Makefile or scripts. You can ignore all of this and type:

  >cd WolfMUD.git
  >go build -o bin/ ./...

The update includes my ‘daily’ Makefile which I use to build, run and test
WolfMUD — basically it saves me a lot of repetitive typing all the time. Using
the Makefile builds will go into a new bin directory and server logs will go
into a bin/log directory.

The update also includes a new build directory for building WolfMUD releases.
It contains a release Makefile and some Bash utilities. Previously I used an
unreleased Bash script. Due to module mode it needed an overhaul so I made it
a Makefile while I was at it.

The two utilities included are niceDate and center. The niceDate script prints
a long format date with suffixes: st, nd, rd or th.

  Wednesday 13th January, 2021
  >./niceDate jan 21
  Thursday 21st January, 2021
  >./niceDate jan 22
  Friday 22nd January, 2021
  >./niceDate jan 23
  Saturday 23rd January, 2021

The center script will center text within a given width:

  >echo -e "The quick brown fox\njumps over the lazy dog" | ./center -n 78
                               The quick brown fox
                             jumps over the lazy dog

The width defaults to 78, I didn’t need to specify ‘-n 78’ in this case but I
wanted to show the flag in the example. The center script will take standard
input, piped/redirected files or both. I’ve tried very hard to make the
alignment of an odd number of characters the same as the centering text ‘:ce’
Vim command[1].

The plan now is to finish updating the documentation. After that I’m going to
put everything through the wringer and use the new tooling to push out a new
release :)


  [1] Vim, centering text: https://vimhelp.org/change.txt.html#formatting

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