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                   JOURNAL FOR THURSDAY 31ST OCTOBER, 2019

SUBJECT: WolfMUD v0.0.14 released
   DATE: Thu 31 Oct 18:37:07 GMT 2019

The next release of WolfMUD, v0.0.14, is now available for download[1].

It seems to be an unofficial tradition that I try to produce a new release of
WolfMUD for Halloween. To be honest I didn't think I was going to be ready in
time this year. The last release was way back in February so I really didn't
want to miss this opportunity.

This release contains an overhaul of the internal workings of Inventories, new
IP quotas, new alias qualifiers, new bound alias qualifiers and many other
fixes and tweaks. The biggest change is that all of the commands now use the
new matcher for selecting items. Now you can 'GET THE LONG SWORD AND THE

Due to a change introduced in Go 1.13 from this release an alternative
configuration file and/or data directory is no longer specified as a parameter
to the server. It can now be specified using the WOLFMUD_DIR environment
variable. For more details see the compiling-from-source.txt and
running-the-server.txt documentation in the docs directory of the download.

Time to get out the pumpkin again!


                                /  __    __  \
                                   \/ __ \/
                                   _  \/  _
                                 \  \/\/\/  /

                               HAPPY  HALLOWEEN

Main highlights from the release notes:


  - New ring buffer added for use with connection quotas.
  - Per IP address connection quotas added.
  - A text.Unfold function has been added to unfold folded text while keeping
    significant whitespace.
  - Support added for bound qualifiers allowing a qualifier to only be valid
    for a specific alias. For example: '+SHORT:SWORD SWORD SHORTSWORD' allows
    the item to be referred to as 'SWORD', 'SHORTSWORD' or 'SHORT SWORD' but
    not 'SHORT SHORTSWORD'. The bound to alias does not have to be explicitly
    specified. Given '+SHORT:SWORD' the bound qualifier 'SHORT' will be added
    as will the alias 'SWORD'.
  - Server stats now include number of allocations made since the last stat
    line was logged. Shown in the stats line as 'A[ +n]'.


  - Cleaned up error handling in client communication code.
  - Documentation updated with HTTPS links.
  - The server greeting and zone file descriptions are now unfolded when the
    record jar file is read.
  - The commands GET, DROP, PUT, TAKE, OPEN, CLOSE, EXAMINE, JUNK and READ now
    use the new matcher code.
  - The messages for the commands GET, DROP, PUT, TAKE, OPEN, CLOSE, EXAMINE,
    JUNK and READ have been improved.
  - Events now use a small cache for timers.
  - Inventories are now implemented using a double linked list instead of a
    slice. This reduces the bookkeeping complexity, storage and allocations.
  - Players and Narratives are now in separate lists within an Inventory.
  - The Inventory.Players method is now Inventory.Occupied to better reflect
    its purpose. Inventory.Players now returns the players in an Inventory.
  - The GET command can no longer be used to pick up another player.
  - The PUT command can no longer be used to put another player into a
  - The Inventory.Compact configuration value is now obsolete.
  - Matcher code rewritten and performance improved.
  - Action, Cleanup and Reset attribute types now have a Pending method.


  - Connection logging now reports correct source file in log.
  - Write timeout for client connections now set correctly.
  - Frontend now delivers outstanding messages to client when closed.
  - Test function TestFixDEL in client tests misnamed, should be TestClean.
  - A gofmt issue in config/config.go has been fixed.
  - Fields within a free text section in a record jar file should just be part
    of the free text section and not recognised as fields.
  - Indented record separators '%%' in a record jar file should be ignored when
    found in a free text section.
  - Line feeds should be preserved when reading record jar free text sections.
  - String lists in a record jar should not be reordered when encoded/decoded.
  - Alias qualifiers are now treated as distinct from aliases. This fixes the
    bug where a qualifier would be recognised as a valid alias.
  - Name of actor for LOOK command should be upper cased.
  - The Thing.Collectable method no longer reports players as being collectable.
  - Corner case in the matcher when switching from 'not enough' to 'unknown'
    match results fixed.
  - Matcher should only be returning unique results.
  - The TAKE command now checks for a TAKEOUT veto before checking if item is
    in the container.
  - For Go 1.13 the server no longer uses command line arguments to set an
    alternative data directory or configuration file. Instead it uses the
    WOLFMUD_DIR environment variable. Documentation compiling-from-source.txt
    and running-the-server.txt have been updated.

Known Bugs

  - New search and matching item limits and item instances undocumented.


  [1] Download area: ../../../downloads/

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