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                      JOURNAL FOR FRIDAY 6TH JULY, 2018

SUBJECT: WolfMUD v0.0.10 released
   DATE: Fri  6 Jul 19:52:55 BST 2018

The next release of WolfMUD, v0.0.10, is now available for download[1].

Most of this release has been focused on ‘GDPR’ compliance. To that end, there
is a new configuration value Server.LogClient which can be set to true or
false. If Server.LogClient is set to false the IP address and port number of
the connecting client will not be logged. In addition any IP addresses and
port numbers in any errors that are logged will be replaced with ‘???’. If
Server.LogClient is set to true the IP address and port number will be logged
and will appear in any error messages logged. To assist admins, client
messages are logged with a per-connection sequence number so that messages
within the same client session can be identified and grouped together when
analysing logs — instead of being able to group messages by IP address and
port number.

Main highlights from the release notes:


  - Added test in recordjar/read_test.go for duplicate field names.
  - Added tests in recordjar/read_test.go for colons without field names.
  - New configuration option Server.LogClient to enable or disable logging of
    connecting client's IP address on initial connection. Defaults to disabled.
  - New log package for per-connection logging.
  - Log account login.
  - Log account creation.


  - Improved reporting on which jar test failed in recordjar/read_test.go
  - The comms package now logs using per-connection sequence numbers.
  - Combine writing of "bye bye" and resetting default colours when closing
    connection to client.
  - Switched comms and frontend packages to use new log package.
  - If the new configuration option Server.LogClient is set to false don't leak
    IP addresses via system error messages. Instead replace the 'address:port'
    string with '???' when logging the error.


  - Corrected comments in frontend.go to reference closedError instead of
  - Fixed panic when empty string passed to text.TitleFirst function.
  - In recordjar/read_test.go reported values for mismatches are reversed.
  - Cleaned up white-space in the default configuration file.


  [1] Download area: ../../../downloads/

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