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                     JOURNAL FOR WEDNESDAY 23RD MAY, 2018

SUBJECT: Most ARM5 builds removed due to cross-compile gotcha ;(
   DATE: Thu 24 May 04:12:23 BST 2018

Friday evening I sat looking into my monitor, thinking about WolfMUD. What
should I work on next? I was very tempted to try and squeeze in a few more
changes before the next release. Knowing how last minute changes have turned
out recently, I decided to just start packaging what I had.

For the v0.0.9 release I wanted to include an ARM7 build, as I now had a
Raspberry Pi 3 model B and could do some testing on real hardware. I already
had a generic, soft float, ARM5 build and a hard float, ARM6 build. Both the
ARM5 and ARM6 builds I test on a Raspberry Pi model B.

I’m not sure exactly what I was doing — apart from editing, running and
testing the release makefile and resulting builds — but I suddenly realised
that cross-compiling for Arm had a nasty gotcha. As a result I’ve removed the
broken ARM5 builds from the downloads section of the website. I’m not sure why
they are not all broken, but v0.0.1, v0.0.2 and v0.0.7 seem to be okay. I
think v0.0.1 and v0.0.2 were assembled by hand and I switched to a makefile
for v0.0.3 — but that doesn’t explain v0.0.7 *shrug*

If there is any demand I will rebuild the deleted ARM5 versions and make them

The gotcha…

When cross-compiling for Arm only one executable file is created. If you
compile for ARM5 and then ARM6 the ARM5 binary will be overwritten by the ARM5
executable with the same name. For example, my bin directory looks like:

  |-- linux_386
  |   `-- server
  |-- linux_arm
  |   `-- server
  |-- server
  |-- windows_386
  |   `-- server.exe
  `-- windows_amd64
      `-- server.exe

Notice that there is only one linux_arm directory. I’m guessing this is also
the situation when compiling for 386 if you set GO386 or mips/mipsle if you
set GOMIPS. It would be nice if the directory name included the GOARM, GO386
or GOMIPS setting in the directory name. Then we would get something like:

  |-- linux_386
  |   `-- server
  |-- linux_arm_5
  |   `-- server
  |-- linux_arm_6
  |   `-- server
  |-- server
  |-- windows_386
  |   `-- server.exe
  `-- windows_amd64
      `-- server.exe

Also notice the server executable that is not in a sub-directory. That is the
native compile for the machine I am compiling on, which is linux/amd64. I have
to be very careful if I run the release makefile on a Raspberry Pi as the
executable would now be for linux/arm instead of linux/amd64.

It should be noted that ‘go install’ does have an --installsuffix flag. If I
set this to ‘5’ when compiling for ARM5 it causes the sub-directory under the
‘pkg’ directory to be named ‘linux_arm_5’, but it does not effect the ‘bin’
sub-directory which is still 'linux_arm'. Also of note, under the ‘pkg’
sub-directory there IS a ‘linux_amd64’ sub-directory for the native build,
even though there is no such sub-directory under ‘bin’.

Due to the limitations of my makefile, ugly hacks and workarounds I’ve not
made it available. With a trusty copy of “Managing projects with make”[1] to
hand, I’m now working on cleaning up the release makefile and fixing a number
of issues. I’m even thinking of using GOHOSTOS and GOHOSTARCH to move the
native executable into an appropriate sub-directory while also using GOARM to
create appropriate linux_arm_X sub-directories. That way at least everything
will be in an appropriate sub-directory.


  [1] Managing projects with make, Andy Oram and Steve Talbott
      Published by O’Reilly Media, October 1991, ISBN-10: 0-937175-90-0

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