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                     JOURNAL FOR MONDAY 16TH APRIL, 2018

SUBJECT: And this is why we test before a release…
   DATE: Mon 16 Apr 18:54:38 BST 2018

While testing some changes for WolfMUD I just found a release halting bug :(

If you log into the server, collect some items, then issue a ‘QUIT’, player
data is saved correctly, and you will be back at the main menu:

  You have been saved.
  You leave this world behind.

    Main Menu

    1. Enter game
    0. Quit

  Select an option:

This is working as intended so far. Selecting option ‘0’ from the menu quits
and terminates the connection to the server, that’s working as well.

The problem is with option ‘1’ on the menu, but only after being in the game
and issuing a ‘QUIT’. If you then select option ‘1’ your character will be put
back into the game, but with an empty inventory!

The reason for this is that the player data is only loaded once, during login.
When the player logs out, all of their inventory is disposed of so that items
can either be reset or garbage collected. However, it is this empty inventory
that you are left with if you choose option ‘1’ to re-enter the game. If you
select option ‘0’, then re-connect and log back in again everything is fine.

Note, this only occurs with the latest code on the public git dev branch and
not with any of the official releases.

Working on a fix now…


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