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                  JOURNAL FOR WEDNESDAY 21ST FEBRUARY, 2018

SUBJECT: Sunny Sunday afternoon
   DATE: Wed 21 Feb 22:33:40 GMT 2018

Sunday afternoon was amazing. I spent it sat at my parents wooden dining
table. Open before me was my Chromebook, and I was hacking on WolfMUD. The
warm sun streaming through the window and mum providing plenty of hot, black
coffee. I finished off the last of the marshalers for the current attributes.
Then I documented the additional recordjar encoder methods I had written. It’s
the most peaceful and productive I’ve been in ages.

The marshalers still have a few issues. For example KeyedStringList does not
format multiple pairs in the way I would prefer. For example:

  Vetoes: GET→You cannot get that!
        : LOOK→Your eyes hurt to look at it!

Is formatted as:

  vetoes: GET→You cannot get that! : LOOK→Your eyes hurt to look at it!

The same goes for StringList as used in actions. Instead of:

  OnAction: The rabbit hops around a bit.
          : You see the rabbit twitch its little nose, Ahh...
          : The rabbit makes a soft squeaking and chattering noise.

It is formatted as:

  Onaction: The rabbit hops around a bit. : You see the rabbit twitch its
            little nose, Ahh... : The rabbit makes a soft squeaking and
            chattering noise.

Also notice that the field name is ‘Onaction’ instead of ‘OnAction’. At the
moment field names are lowercased, then the first letter is titled cased. This
avoids having to remember whether strings should be all lowercase or cased as
expected. I might have to change that now I think about it…

I’ve also corrected the it’s/its usage in the definition of the rabbit and
cat. Commit pending.

My ultimate aim is to be able to unmarshal a .wrj file, then marshal it back
to a .wrj file and have the two nearly identical. In fact I am planning a
simple gofmt like tool for .wrj files which would define a standard formatting
for .wrj files. It would also be useful for testing as well ;)

I’ve committed the encoder and marshaler changes so that people can poke at
the code. Note that none of the marshalers are actually ‘wired up’ yet. Before
I wire everything up I need to sort out inventories so that their content can
be recursively written out. Remember, containers can contain other containers
ad infinitum.

The question is, where should the logic go? For the unmarshalers the logic is
kept separate in the zones package. If you look at zones package it currently
does all of the messy bookkeeping. In fact the current zones package is
inadequate and needs some work. It needs refactoring into a generic loader
that can handle any .wrj file — zones, players, single items. For that to
happen most of the bookkeeping probably needs moving to post-unmarshaler
handlers. That way inventories would be able to populate themselves, exits
link themselves and so on. At least I think that is what I need, but I’m still
thinking it through.

The marshalers are simpler. I just need some logic somewhere that can unwind
inventories. This could be added to the Thing attribute itself as part of the
marshaler method. Really it should be added to the Inventory attribute as a
Thing shouldn’t know anything about Inventories. Although taking a quick look
at the code for a Thing I’ve already messed that up with the SetOrigins

Time for a quick detour. Looking at the SetOrigins method I can see an chunk
of unwieldy code that doesn’t seem right:

  // Set our origin to that of the parent Inventory
  if l := FindLocate(t); l.Found() {
    if i := FindInventory(l.Where().Parent()); i.Found() {

The FindLocate function tells us which Inventory a Thing is in. We then get
the parent of the Inventory only to look up the Inventory again!? No, no, no,
what was I thinking? Let’s fix that while we have the source open anyway:

  // Set our origin to that of the parent Inventory
  if l := FindLocate(t); l.Found() {

That’s simpler and more performant. Another change that will be on the public
dev branch by the time you read this. :)


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