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                    JOURNAL FOR MONDAY 31ST DECEMBER, 2018

SUBJECT: Another year of WolfMUD development
   DATE: Mon 31 Dec 19:06:11 GMT 2018

Another year of WolfMUD development has been and gone. I managed to push out
four releases — v0.0.9 to v0.0.12 - which was one less than last year :( The
journal has been quite busy with 49 posts, 4 less than last year.

The code has seen 251 individual commits, touching 95 files with 5978
insertions and 1242 deletions. A lot of the work this year has been behind the
scenes — writing tests, debugging data races and fixing nil panics. As 2018
closes I am happy with where WolfMUD is at now. Especially since fixing the
stability of the server.

Some of the larger changes this year included:

  - Saving of player files
  - Lots of improvement and bug fixes made to the recordjar package
  - Improved logging with changes for GDPR compliance
  - Overhaul of junking, clean ups, resets and respawning
  - Improved actions for mobiles
  - Improved veto handling
  - Barriers
  - Maps for the provided stock zones

There have also been many small tweaks and fixes throughout the year.

What will 2019 bring? I still have a lot of tests to write. In no particular
order I also need to add player statistics (like health, hunger and thirst),
combat, weight and value of items, liquid containers, wearable items (like
clothes, armour and jewellery), time, money, shops for buying and selling
things, a help system. So there is still plenty left to do before we are at
the same state as the Java version was. Once that is achieved the real fun
will start. I already have a huge wish list of ideas I want to implement :)

Wow! I just realised 2019 will also be the 35th anniversary of WolfMUD. In
some ways it’s come a long way since the very first versions, written on a BBC
Micro in BASIC. In other ways it’s stayed the same, which I think is also a
good thing. WolfMUD has evolved slowly, as I’ve evolved as a developer. I use
WolfMUD as a vehicle for learning, trying out new coding ideas, and in some
instances for learning new programming languages. WolfMUD is my coding for fun
in my spare time. Even after all these years it’s still fun. I hope you find
it fun too.

Happy new year everyone!


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