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                    JOURNAL FOR SUNDAY 21ST JANUARY, 2018

SUBJECT: Finally, a public dev branch update
   DATE: Mon 22 Jan 01:39:09 GMT 2018

Up and running again after the slight mishap of dumping an entire Linux system
into my home directory. In fact I even managed to have a WolfMUD Wednesday and
got some coding done, mostly fixing issues in the recordjar encoder and

While working on the decoder I've even made a change that was requested. For
boolean values a bare keyword - without true or false being specified - now
evaluates to true instead of false. This means the presence or absence of the
keyword is enough to define the keyword's value as being true or false. Using
the SPAWN keyword for Reset as an example:

  Reset: AFTER→0s JITTER→2m SPAWN→true   =   Reset: AFTER→0s JITTER→2m SPAWN
  Reset: AFTER→0s JITTER→2m SPAWN→false  =   Reset: AFTER→0s JITTER→2m

Or as a table:

                        | SETTING          | EVALUATES AS    |
                  | Old | SPAWN→true       | true            |
                  |     | SPAWN            | false  ←changed |
                  |     | SPAWN→false      | false           |
                  |     | (not specified)  | false           |
                  | New | SPAWN→true       | true            |
                  |     | SPAWN            | true   ←changed |
                  |     | SPAWN→false      | false           |
                  |     | (not specified)  | false           |


It should be noted that this change is not backwards compatible and you will
need to check your zone files for usage of reset SPAWN and door OPEN keywords.
If you have bare SPAWN or OPEN keywords you will need to either set false
explicitly or simply the SPAWN or OPEN keyword.

All of the recordjar changes are now available on the public dev branch.


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