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                   JOURNAL FOR TUESDAY 19TH SEPTEMBER, 2017

SUBJECT: Command handling and Inventory clean up
   DATE: Tue 19 Sep 22:34:34 BST 2017

It has been a week since the WolfMUD v0.0.7 release and I have not heard any
screaming or received any angry emails. I take it people are happy.

I’m now looking at cleaning up a few things that either became complicated or
messy during the work for the v0.0.7 release.

First of all I am looking at how command handlers are currently implemented.
The motivation for this being the ugly helper functions I added for the JUNK
command: junkLockAll, junkCheckVetoes and junkDispose.

The helpers should have been methods, however the JUNK command itself is
implemented as a function — as are all commands: func Junk(s *state) { … }.
This means there is no type to put the methods on[1].

While working on the JUNK command I also discovered that junking, resetting
and respawning items are still not working quite as I would like and while
working from a player’s point of view there are a few oddities going on
internally that I need to address. For example, extra events being triggered
only to be immediately cancelled several times over. This seems to be mainly
due to too much magic in the Inventory type, specifically in the Move method.

As I said a while ago[2]:

  “All of this is now working, but the Inventory type could do with being
  cleaned up somewhat — my priority was to get things fixed first. Ultimately
  the goal is to only allow items to be added or removed from the world via
  the disabled lists. When items are in the world and enabled they can only be
  moved from Inventory to Inventory, not added or removed as can happen now.
  This would make the interface for Inventory types cleaner and simpler and
  also simplify the code in places — such as the Inventory Move method.”

Next, after sorting out command handlers, will be to work on the Inventory
type. The Inventory.Move method knows too much about other attributes such as
Cleanup and Reset. Each Attribute should be self contained and the commands
then act as the glue to make things happen. The Move method adds a Cleanup
event to a Thing when it is added to an Inventory. When the Thing is removed
from an Inventory any Cleanup events are cancelled and the Thing is also
checked to see if a respawn event should be added. All of this should be
handled by the GET/TAKE and DROP/PUT commands as only they can actually add or
remove a Thing that is an item from an Inventory. It should be noted that the
MOVE command can also add and remove Thing from an Inventory — to move players
between locations. However, that shouldn’t trigger a Cleanup or Respawn and is
currently handled as a special case in the Inventory.Move method.

Slowly the WolfMUD code is growing, evolving and maturing. As a consequence
issues become more apparent as different areas of the code interact, sometimes
in unexpected ways. Some interactions which started off simple become more
complex with more side effects. Some interactions need to change in order to
accommodate new features. Once in a while you have to step back, look at the
overall design, look at the pain points and rewrite some code.

The previous paragraph can be summarised as the “What the hell? Oh crap…”
moment when you realise things just aren’t going to work the way they are.


  [1] I could create a function type — receivers for methods have to be named
      types. Then I could add methods to the function type. But if I am
      defining a (function) type anyway why not just define a Junk type on a
      struct and turn the function into a method on that type — instead of
      trying to be clever?

  [2] Journal for Thursday 7th September: 7.html

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