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                    JOURNAL FOR THURSDAY 31ST AUGUST, 2017

SUBJECT: Holiday fail + emailing with Mikołaj
   DATE: Thu 31 Aug 23:23:13 BST 2017

This month the journal has been somewhat neglected, but there is still time
for one more entry.

Recently I took some time off work. My intention was to spend a leisurely week
working on WolfMUD and sorting out data races. Everything went horribly wrong
and I ended up sitting on a couch and doing nothing, many miles from home.

The only machine I had with me was my 9 year old Eee PC 900. Despite its age
it’s still an okay machine for how I use it — mostly Vim and dvtm at the
console or the dwm window manager if I need to run a graphical application.
However, the EeePC only has a single core 32bit Intel Celeron-M CPU running at
900MHz. This is what killed my planned week long coding session. The Go race
detector is only available on amd64 architectures.

Prior to this I had considered replacing the EeePC with a Chromebook for
remote development. I had already spent months looking at specifications,
features and reviews trying to decide which Chromebook to get. As always the
final decision came down to justifying the cost and how much I would actually
use the Chromebook. I know Chromebooks are relatively cheap, but for me
£200-£250 can pay bills. Needless to say I am still sans Chromebook for now.

This week I have had a long running, very interesting email conversation with
Mikołaj about WolfMUD and lots of other things. Mikołaj also has some patches
and documentation updates for me. The patches should be winging their way to
me soon.

Mikołaj also sent a bug report about an issue on Windows where using the
delete key could cause an index out of bounds error. Now I’m damn sure I fixed
that bug already. So while waiting for the patch from Mikołaj I actually went
and sorted out the issue. However I’m not very happy with my fix and I’m
waiting to see how Mikołaj has fixed it :)

I’m hoping that the patches can be applied and push out to the public dev
branch in the next few days. I’m also working on my patches for data races,
which need cleaning up and a lot of serious debugging code removed.


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