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                      JOURNAL FOR SUNDAY 2ND APRIL, 2017

SUBJECT: WolfMUD v0.0.5 released
   DATE: Sun  2 Apr 23:33:12 BST 2017

The next release of WolfMUD, v0.0.5, is now available for download[1].

This release contains a few bug fixes, performance improvements along with
some new features including item resets, respawning and clean ups.

Main highlights from the release notes:


  - Events gained jitter to introduce randomness to timing.
  - New mechanism added to better free and release resources for garbage
  - New Inventory.Move method more efficient for the common case of moving
    something from one Inventory to another. Add and Remove methods updated to
    use Move. Commands updated to use new Move where possible.
  - Added automated resets and spawning to items via new Reset attribute.
  - New $RESET and $SPAWN scripting commands.
  - New JUNK commands for player to dispose of items.
  - Added automated clean ups to items via new Cleanup attribute.
  - When debugging the DUMP command can now take the address of a Thing.
  - New unique ID generator - all Thing now have a unique ID and unique alias.


  - Added jitter to Door attributes to add some randomness.
  - Inventory now add a Locate attribute to a Thing when it is put into an
  - Zone loader rewritten and improved.
  - Reported memory stats in the log are now more accurate.
  - Buffers in the message package reworked to be more efficient with the
    addition of a reusable pool of buffers.
  - Exits.List method improved to create less garbage and use less string
  - Updated items in zones with new Reset attribute.
  - Updated items in zones with new Cleanup attribute.
  - Inventories where the parent Thing has a narrative attribute no longer
    display 'It is empty' when there are no non-narrative content.


  - Doors can now be placed between zone where on side is in one zone and the
    'other side' is in a different zone.
  - References are now properly released from slices fixing a minor memory
  - Fixed a panic when calling Player.Close on a nil Player pointer. In reality
    not a big issue as it was triggered when the player logged out and didn't
    crash the server unless running in debug mode.
  - Fixed decoder.Duration in recordjar package so that it can parse uppercased
    data passed to it.

Known bugs

  - When using the DUMP command with memory addresses it's to easy to crash the
    client thread. Comments have been added warning of this and DUMP with a
    memory address is only enabled when the server is run in debug mode.


  [1] Download area: ../../../downloads/

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