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                     JOURNAL FOR SUNDAY 12TH MARCH, 2017

SUBJECT: Zoning out & detecting cyclic inventories
   DATE: Sun 12 Mar 15:27:55 GMT 2017

After the initial frustrations of trying to sort out some issues with the
zones package I went away to give the problem a good hard thinking.

I then spent Wednesday and Thursday of this week practically rewriting the
zones package. As a consequence I also needed to make some other improvements.

All Things that are put into an Inventory now have a Locate attribute added
automatically. A Locate attribute is simply a back reference to the Inventory
a Thing is in. Before this only Things that wanted to know where they were had
a Locate attribute.

One implication of this is that it's now possible to detect cyclic references.
For example, we can now detect and prevent putting A into B into C into A. We
can also detect putting B into A, A into C and then trying to add C into B.
Yes, just thinking about this can make your head hurt. This works for both
Inventory and Location fields on non-locations in zone files.

The zone loader itself now works in a totally different way than before.

First of all it unmarshals all of the locations into the world and all
non-locations into a temporary storage area. Each Thing unmarshaled is tagged
with its record from the zone file as a kind of metadata. The loader then
links up all of the things in the temporary storage area using pointers
according to the Inventory and Location references. For example, say we have
two boxes A and B. Say we also have a runestone. We can put the runstone into
both box A and box B at the same time - it's just pointers.

The loader then makes sure all locations have an inventory and links up all of
the location exits in the world.

Next the loader goes through all of the locations looking for Inventory
references and COPIES items from the temporary storage area. The important bit
here is that copies are put into the world. Back to our box example. We copy
box A into the world and copy it's inventory - which produces a copy of the
runestone. We then copy box B into the world and copy it's inventory - which
produces another copy of the runestone. The world now has two runstones - one
in each box. This resolves the 'havoc' from my previous post.

The loader then does the same again but this time going through the temporary
storage area looking for Location references and COPYING items into the world.

Finally the temporary storage area is cleared down and the metadata is dropped
from all of the locations as it is no longer required.

This all happens very quickly when the server starts. The code is also a lot
cleaner. Mostly due to the use of the temporary storage area and the metadata.

But what about memory?

We have a slight increase in memory due to the fact that everything, except
locations, now have a Locate attribute - which consists of two Interface
references. There is also a slight increase in memory now that we have proper
copies of duplicated objects.

I don't think this is an issue considering the benefits it will bring later
on. We also keep the flexibility of what can be created for our worlds. In the
immediate future I can now work on item disposal and resets.

All of this is immediately available to play with in the public dev branch.


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