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                   JOURNAL FOR WEDNESDAY 1ST MARCH, 2017

SUBJECT: Public dev branch updated with events, doors and copying
   DATE: Wed  1 Mar 19:27:45 GMT 2017

Wednesday again and I have just finished the work on doors. I’ve also just
pushed quite a large update to the public dev branch. The update includes the
work on events, the new copying mechanism and doors.

Next on my todo list is packaging everything up for a v0.0.4 release. This
comes two months after the v0.0.3 release. If all goes to plan v0.0.4 should
be out tomorrow.

I’ve already been asked if this release will contain locks for the doors. No
it won’t. I still need to implement locks and ‘lids’ — containers that can be
opened, closed and locked. However, I had planned on sorting out the zone
loading next. Now I’m not so sure…

I also need to implement scheduled events for the event package. Someone has
also pointed out that there is no way to broadcast messages and send them to
all players at once.

So many ideas to pick and choose from.

I am trying to move towards implementing mobiles — or mobs. Mobiles are
non-player people, creatures and critters that move around. They are a big
part of giving life to a MUD. To this end I worked on doors first as I knew
that would involve code also required for mobiles, but doors were a simpler
stepping stone.

Anyway, better get back to writing the release notes for v0.0.4 now.


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