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                   JOURNAL FOR FRIDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2016

SUBJECT: Fixing the problem caused by fixing the problem caused by fixing...
   DATE: Fri 30 Sep 22:59:04 BST 2016

Today's title is inspired by an xkcd cartoon: https://xkcd.com/1739/

Due to a number of things, one leading to another leading to another, leading
to another - each unremarkable in themselves - I am currently up to my armpits
in GnuPG documentation instead of working on WolfMUD.

Those issues include, but are not limited to: Bash being upgraded to version
4.4 and finding out that the vi editing mode is wonky as hell. Vim was
upgraded to version 8.0 and now has some funky behaviour and it seems slower.
GnuPG has been updated to version 2 and is causing issues in my Mutt email
client, in Vim for editing encrypted files and in Git for signing commits and
tags. So that's Bash, Vim and Mutt - tools I use every day, all day and can't
do without.


Due to having to read the GnuPG documentation - which I find a monumentally
boring endeavour - I guess it might be time to update my PGP key which I have
been putting off for forever. Transitioning to a new key can be a very painful

I should also look at revising my Vim script for handling GnuPG encrypted
files. Just in case GnuPG or Vim are doing things I now don't expect.

Mutt should also be revisited. It uses GnuPG via macros and settings that were
setup ages ago. In fact most of my GnuPG setup was cobbled together early 2003
and hasn't been touched since because it just worked.

I should also get around to using SSL for the site and Git repository. Again
I've been reading the documentation on letsencrypt.org and researching the
numerous clients available to get certificates. Another monumentally boring
endeavour made worse because I'd rather be spending my time on coding for


So have I made any progress on WolfMUD this week? Some.

I've updated places in the code where a method does not use the receiver.
Previously I was using the blank identifier to 'throw away' the receiver:

  func (_ *Name) Unmarshal(data []byte) has.Attribute {}

However I found out, and confirmed by looking at the Go sources, that it is
more idiomatic to specify the receiver type only. So the above becomes:

  func (*Name) Unmarshal(data []byte) has.Attribute {}

I've finished documenting the sources for the new record jar encoder and the
text colour setting code. I'm still fiddling around with the account and
player creation code.

Looks like I'm in for a weekend of reading documentation and making things
work how I want them to work again.


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