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                     JOURNAL FOR TUESDAY 19TH JULY, 2016

SUBJECT: Some things just won't go away
   DATE: Wed 27 Jul 21:10:09 BST 2016

Still being nagged, in a nice way, to write a WolfMUD in assembler for the
Atmel AVR. I've also been asked to write it for the Atmega328P instead of for
the Atmega32U4 as the Arduino Uno is more popular than the Arduino Micro :( At
the moment I only have the Arduino Micro my daughter got for me. One person
even asked if I could write a version for a PIC microcontroller...

Sadly, for the moment, I'm finding it hard enough to spend time on the Go
WolfMUD without contemplating an AVR assembler version as well.

The Go version of WolfMUD is coming along. Although I thought I was loading
and using players created from player ,wrj files. What I was actually doing
was loading, parsing and unmarshaling a player. I was then throwing it away
and actually using a statically created player still :( Doh!

One good change I've made is to remove the monitoring of the QUIT command from
cmd/parse.go which is nice as it always seemed to be an ugly hardcoded hack.

Quick side note. For the first time ever Go 1.4.3 finally compiles from source
on Windows 10 developer preview build 14383 under the Windows Subsystem for
Linux (WSL)[1]. However you can;t build Go1.7rc3 using it.

Hrm, well that's all I think for now - short and sweet.


  [1] I don't use Windows except for client testing once in a blue moon but
      the WSL peeked my interest so I tried using it to compile Go from
      source. Just because I can.

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