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                     JOURNAL FOR TUESDAY 19TH JULY, 2016

SUBJECT: Some nagging, progress and Go release candidates
   DATE: Tue 19 Jul 21:16:27 BST 2016

I'm still being asked/nagged/cajoled into writing a standalone WolfMUD.
Basically just a single player text adventure game - in assembler, for an
Atmel AVR 8bit microcontroller. The reasoning being that it will make learning
assembler on the microcontroller fun!

I would like to. I really, really would. However I'm not going to do it right
now as I'd like to focus on the current WolfMUD. All those who are asking now,
please start nagging me again in a few months and I'll see what I can do ;)

Back to WolfMUD proper. I think I am really close to getting WolfMUD to the
stage it was at before I decided to do the re-re-write. I have recently
implemented player login for accounts - currently it still works with old
accounts but I'm not sure if I can maintain that compatibility. There are a few
rough edges that need sorting out and some refactoring to be done. Account
creation also needs implementing which is quite an important feature ;)

As accounts cannot be created at the moment I've not pushed the updated code
to the public dev branch just yet.

Once the frontend, drivers and account management are done it's finally time
to move into new territory! I guess that would be a good time to also push out
an official release - PROTOTYPE4 or WolfMUD v0.0.1? I'm not sure yet.

It's also probably about time I sat down and wrote all of the tests now that
the code will not be in such a flux :P Would be handy to have some benchmarks
as well...

After I mentioned in my last journal entry that I'd not seen Go1.7 RC1, it was
announced the next day. Since then Go1.7 RC2 has appeared with a security
update and a Go1.7 RC3 is imminent. According to the developers Go1.7 should be
available on the 1st August.


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