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                    JOURNAL FOR TUESDAY 6TH DECEMBER, 2016

SUBJECT: Site update
   DATE: Tue  6 Dec 23:35:06 GMT 2016

For ages I have been searching for a nice font for this site. My requirements
were simple enough. Slashed zero, I personally hate plain zeros and I think a
dot in the centre of a zero is ugly. A font needs to easy distinguish similar
characters. For example 0Oo, 1il, 1IL, 5S$ and 8B. For this site it also needs
to be monospaced.

I award fonts bonus points as well! Large braces {} [] and () are nice. A
middle asterisk that aligns with the plus and minus is nice *+-, or not in
this case — oops :( Extra points also if there are the full compliment of
superscript numbers. For use on a website the smaller the size of the font
file the better.

I’ve looked at so many ‘Top gazillion programmer fonts’ articles I was
becoming quite discouraged and just left the browser to use whatever
monospaced font the visitor had installed and mostly stuck to plain ASCII

But then the Go team published a blog article[1] about a new Go font. And it
is nice. A little heavy — which I’ve tried to mitigate by lightening the font
colour a little and increasing the line spacing — but very nice. It ticks a
lot of my boxes for what I want in a font for this site.

But why is a specific font important? There are times when I would like to use
Unicode. However I have no idea if your browser on your machine would be able
to display those characters. It may substitute characters from another font
which usually looks peculiar when one character in many is suddenly different.

I know adding a font to the site increases the amount of data people have to
download. The Go font .ttf file is 157kb and the .woff is 70kb. Either should
only be downloaded once and then cached, so I hope this is bearable ;)

So what does the font look like? Here are some samples…

Day to day ASCII characters:


Some other useful, less frequently used characters:

   ‘…’ “…” • ¹²³ ⅛ ¼ ⅜ ½ ⅝ ¾ ⅞ ↑↓←→ ↔↕ †‡ ∑ ∆ ∞ — – £ €

Some sample code:

  func (s *state) AddLock(i has.Inventory) {
    if i == nil || s.CanLock(i) {
    s.locks = append(s.locks, i)
    l := len(s.locks)
    if l == 1 {
    u := i.LockID()
    for x := 0; x < l; x++ {
      if s.locks[x].LockID() > u {
        copy(s.locks[x+1:l], s.locks[x:l-1])
        s.locks[x] = i

There are also box drawing and shading characters. As I’ve increased the
default line height they don’t look very good and have gaps, so I won‛t
include a sample of those :(

While messing around with the look and feel of the site I’ve also changed the
background to something a little softer than harsh bright white at the request
of a few readers :)

Now, is this post getting rather long or is it just the line spacing…


  [1] Go blog article: https://blog.golang.org/go-fonts

  Up to Main Index                          Up to Journal for December, 2016