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                    JOURNAL FOR THURSDAY 6TH OCTOBER, 2016

SUBJECT: Finally a public dev branch update! With accounts!
   DATE: Thu  6 Oct 21:53:31 BST 2016

I have just pushed all of my recent work to the public dev branch - including
account and player creation! Yes, people can create an account and a player
and log into the server properly. Yay, finally!

But I'm not happy :( It still needs more work, especially the layout of
messages which look cramped and a bit messy. A typical example of creating an
account and player:

  >telnet -e~ 4001
  Telnet escape character is '~'.
  Connected to
  Escape character is '~'.
  WolfMUD Copyright 1984-2016 Andrew 'Diddymus' Rolfe


  Enter your account ID or just press enter to create a new account, enter QUIT
  to leave the server:
  Your account ID can be anything you can remember: an email address, a book
  title, a film title, a quote. You can use upper and lower case characters,
  numbers and symbols. The only restriction is it has to be at least 10
  characters long.

  This is NOT your character's name it is for your account ID for logging in

  Enter text to use for your account ID or just press enter to cancel:
  Enter a password to use for your account ID or just press enter to cancel:
  Enter your password again to confirm or just press enter to cancel:
  Enter a name for your character or just press enter to cancel:
  Would you like Fred to be male or female?
  Welcome Fred!

    Main Menu

    1. Enter game
    0. Quit

  Select an option:
  [ South Bridge ]
  You are standing on the west side of an incomplete bridge. By the looks of
  it the city wants to expand onto the far banks of the river. Up river to the
  north you can see another bridge in a similar state of construction.

  The only exit you can see from here is west.

Now if there are any problems when creating a player/account:

  >telnet -e~ 4001
  Telnet escape character is '~'.
  Connected to
  Escape character is '~'.
  WolfMUD Copyright 1984-2016 Andrew 'Diddymus' Rolfe


  Enter your account ID or just press enter to create a new account, enter
  QUIT to leave the server:
  Your account ID can be anything you can remember: an email address, a book
  title, a film title, a quote. You can use upper and lower case characters,
  numbers and symbols. The only restriction is it has to be at least 10
  characters long.

  This is NOT your character's name it is for your account ID for logging in

  Enter text to use for your account ID or just press enter to cancel:
  Account ID is too short. Needs to be 10 characters or longer.
  Enter text to use for your account ID or just press enter to cancel:
  Enter a password to use for your account ID or just press enter to cancel:
  Password is too short. Needs to be 10 characters or longer.
  Enter a password to use for your account ID or just press enter to cancel:
  Enter your password again to confirm or just press enter to cancel:
  Passwords do not match, please try again.
  Enter a password to use for your account ID or just press enter to cancel:
  Enter your password again to confirm or just press enter to cancel:
  Enter a name for your character or just press enter to cancel:
  Would you like Fred to be male or female?
  Please specify male or female.
  Would you like Fred to be male or female?
  The account ID you used is not available.
  Enter your account ID or just press enter to create a new account, enter
  QUIT to leave the server:

It works, but things soon becomes just a sea of text. Maybe adding colours -
which I wasn't going to start doing yet - would help? Some of the code still
needs sorting out and cleaning up as well. There is also the slight issue of
someone picking an account ID that is already taken - they have to repeat the
creation process over again. So that needs fixing as well.

Anyway for now, while I'm working on cleaning and fixing things, you can now
spin up your own server and have actual players. And I *promise* not to break
the player data files any more after this update.

I would really love to release an official WolfMUD v0.0.1 on Halloween.
Whether I manage to or not we shall see...


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