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                    JOURNAL FOR MONDAY 31ST OCTOBER, 2016

SUBJECT: Version 0.0.1 is out, Happy Halloween!

Version 0.0.1 of WolfMUD is officially released!

It can be downloaded from: ../../../downloads/attic/v0.0.1/index.html

Wow! What a long time it has taken as well. I can't believe that it was way
back in May 2012, over four years ago, that I announced the rewrite of WolfMUD
using the Go language. Since then I have produced three prototypes. Then after
more than two years work and a lot of soul searching I announced that I was
rewriting the Go version of WolfMUD from scratch again. It's taken me nearly
two years to rewrite the core of WolfMUD again and release version 0.0.1.

WolfMUD is still a long way from being complete, so why release a version now?
I decided to do a release now as a way of drawing a line in the sand. To say
that this is how WolfMUD will be moving forward. That the core and guts of
WolfMUD have finally been sorted out. That I am happy with the current code.

So what is in this version? What can it do?

The following base commands have been implemented:

  N, NE, E, SE, S - Move from location to location
  SW, W, NW, U, D   Also long commands NORTH etc.

              GET - Get an item
              PUT - Put an item into a container
              WHO - List who else is in the world
             DROP - Drop and item
             QUIT - Exit the world
             READ - Read writing on an item
             TAKE - Take an item out of a container
           SNEEZE - Makes you sneeze (mostly for testing area effects)
          SAY / " - Say something to other players
          VERSION - Display the version of WolfMUD
         COMMANDS - List available commands
         LOOK / L - Describe where you are
  EXAMINE / EXAM  - Examine an item
  INVENTORY / INV - See what you are carrying

Building in WolfMUD involves combining attributes in different ways. Currently
the following base attributes have been implemented:

        ALIAS - Give something an alias so it can be referenced e.g. sword
  DESCRIPTION - Give something a detailed description
        EXITS - Assign exits to an inventory
    INVENTORY - Makes something a container
         NAME - Give something a short name e.g. a short sword
    NARRATIVE - Marks something as being non-removable
        START - Marks an inventory as a starting location
      WRITING - Adds writing to something

There is multiplayer support for many, many players at once. Players can move
around and talk to each other. They can pick up, examine and drop items. Items
can be containers and have other items put in to them or taken out of them.
Containers can also contain other containers.

Locations and objects within the world are created using simple plain text
files that can be edited using any text editor.

There is an account creation system so that players can create their own
accounts and log into the server.

In short WolfMUD now has a solid, multiplayer core for extending and building
new features and functionality. I'm not saying the core is perfect and I am
sure it will mature over time, but it's a good start.

What next for WolfMUD? Next WolfMUD needs a test suite. So far tests have not
been written due to a huge amount of code churning as swathes of code were
being rewritten over and over again. Things have now settled down and it's
time tests were added, possibly some benchmarks too. Not only to made sure
everything is working as expected but to make sure future development does not
break things.

I have big plans and big hopes for WolfMUD, it's just going to take a while
getting there.

Time to get out the pumpkin again!


                                /  __    __  \
                                   \/ __ \/
                                   _  \/  _
                                 \  \/\/\/  /

                               HAPPY  HALLOWEEN


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