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                   JOURNAL FOR THURSDAY 3RD SEPTEMBER, 2015

SUBJECT: Bumming around lazily for a bit
   DATE: Thu  3 Sep 21:44:36 BST 2015

So last month was a bust what with work and everything. Managed only a single
entry for the whole of August :( Last week I just bummed around lazily not
doing much at all - didn't even touch a keyboard for a whole 9 days! *gasp*

Spent some time catching up on some reading, watching movies, spending time
with a friend and sleeping. Coming back from my break I had a nice, long,
rambling email about MUDs and WolfMUD and ideas and stuff. I won't go into too
much detail as I haven't had a reply to my email sent in response yet - I
think my use of PGP may have caused some delivery issues :( So until I can ask
if it's okay to discuss specifics here I'll keep quiet for now. It was a very
good and interesting email though :)

What else?

I've switched development over to Go 1.5 on x86-64 and ARMv6 platforms - both
built from source without issue.

I was working on WolfMUD last night for a while. Started off taking another
look at the 'take' command - the code still seems overly complicated for it. I
then disappeared down a rabbit hole looking into an outstanding issue with
inventories and narratives.

Going to try and work on WolfMUD some more over the weekend, even if I have to
do it on my dinky 7 year old Asus Eee PC 901. Sometimes a simple x86, single
core, 1.6Ghz CPU with 1Gb RAM is all you need - especially when you live on
the command line.

The biggest problem I find on the Eee PC is the keyboard, but then I've been
using a Happy Hacking keyboard (Model PD-KB100W, ANSI US layout, PS/2
connector) at work and home for over a decade. Magnificent keyboards I would
be happy to recommend to anyone. Looking around on the 'net I can see some
newer models available for around £150 to £180 which may seem expensive but if
they are going to last a few decades I consider it a good investment.

Yes, I know about the legendary IBM model M keyboards and have one of those as
well - Model 1391406 from 1988 - but it's only used occasionally ;)


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