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                     JOURNAL FOR MONDAY 17TH AUGUST, 2015

SUBJECT: Nothing much
   DATE: Mon 17 Aug 21:49:57 BST 2015

The last few weeks have been manic with clients upgrading to the recently
released Windows 10 - and then not being able to use it, multiple serious
vulnerabilities - not all with fixes or workarounds available and then an
issue with one of our platforms related to a PHP change make around PHP 4.4.9.

Is it any wonder I haven't been able to work on WolfMUD much recently? :( I'm
definitely starting to feel a little frazzled...

So in lieu of WolfMUD stuff have I come across anything else interesting I can
tell you about? I had someone working on a PDP 11/45 running original Unix v7
via simh asking if I still had a C version of WolfMUD that they could try and
get working. Sadly I don't :( It probably would have worked as my C was pretty
simple and primitive back then - not that I do much C these days.

So for now that's it I guess. Work, work and more work.


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