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                      JOURNAL FOR THURSDAY 4TH JUNE, 2015

SUBJECT: Public dev branch update
   DATE: Thu  4 Jun 22:22:32 BST 2015

I've just pushed out an update to the public WolfMUD dev branch, at last!

The public dev branch is now based on the newer WolfMUD-mini code.

If you want to have a look at the new direction the code is taking you have to
checkout the dev branch of the public Git repository. So if you don't have
WolfMUD from the Git repository yet you can follow follow either option 2 -
Using go get - or option 4 - git clone - from the getting started guide[1].
Then just checkout the dev branch. If you know what you are doing and just
need to clone the public repoitory:

  git clone https://code.wolfmud.org/WolfMUD WolfMUD.git

Now a few notes on this version. Firstly, the executable by default is still
called server (or server.exe on Windows). However at the moment this version
is single user only. When you run server, or server.exe, in a shell it will
start up, describe where you are and expect input:

  $ ./server

  [ Fireplace ]
  You are in the corner of a common room in the Dragon's Breath tavern. There
  is a fire burning away merrily in an ornate fireplace giving comfort to
  weary travellers. Shadows flicker around the room, changing light to
  darkness and back again. There is a small plaque above the fireplace. To the
  south the common room extends and east the common room leads to the tavern

  You can see some cheese here.
  You can see a mug here.
  You can see a box here.
  You can see a bag here.

  You can see exits east, southeast and south.

Commands currently available are:

  movement (N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW,U,D and their longhand versions)
  GET               Get an item from where you are
  DROP              Drop an item where you are
  EXAMINE or EXAM   Examine an item (where you are or in your inventory)
  INVENTORY or INV  List your inventory
  LOOK or L         Redescribe where you are
  PUT               Put an item into a container (held or where you are)
  TAKE              Take an item out of a container (held or where you are)
  READ              Read something held or where you are
  #DUMP             Debug by dumping something by it's alias
  QUIT              Exit WolfMUD

The commands are all defined in the 'cmd' directory and are easy to change and
add new commands. The current locations and items are defined in the 'attr'
directory in the setup.go source - as I haven't rewritten the data loaders
yet. By looking at the existing examples in setup.go it should be easy to
change and/or add more locations and items.

That's it, the new direction for WolfMUD. Like it? Hate it? Have comments or
questions? drop me an email: diddymus@wolfmud.org


  [1] See "Getting Started": ../../../downloads/getting-started.html

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