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                    JOURNAL FOR THURSDAY 30th APRIL, 2015

SUBJECT: Quick update and coffee treats
   DATE: Thu 30 Apr 20:26:05 BST 2015

Just time for one more journal entry this month. A month that has seen little
progress made on WolfMUD and WolfMUD-mini, simply due to a lack of free time.
I did get a chance to work on WolfMUD-mini last night though. However most of
the time was spent trying to remember where I was and what I was doing. I did
manage to fix a few bugs in the text folding code so not a total loss.

This weekend is another long one with Monday being a bank holiday. Maybe, if
I'm really lucky - I'll get some time to work on WolfMUD-mini?

At some point I'll need to decide how and when to switch WolfMUD to the new
and improved WolfMUD-mini code. Ideally I'd like to add the network and file
loading code first but I think for some people the wait will be too long :(

What else has been going on? Ah yes, my server. Finally retired the old server
and replaced it with the new one. So all good there again.

My daughter introduced me to a new boiled (hard candy) sweet called Kopiko
made from real coffee beans. Being a 'typical programmer' I love my coffee and
these sweets are really nice. Apparently 4 or 5 of the sweets contain the
caffeine equivalent of an espresso, nice ;)


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