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                    JOURNAL FOR SUNDAY 1ST FEBRUARY, 2015

SUBJECT: Warning! - System failure! ;(
   DATE: Sun  1 Feb 20:58:18 GMT 2015

I had promised myself that I would try and write more entries in the journal
this year. So far January has a single entry - which is probably the worst
month for the journal so far :(

What happened? One of my systems had a hardware failure knocking out the
internet, firewalls, file server, backups and other services. So I've been
without internet and stuff for a while. I know my systems are not great, most
are second or third hand and very out of date. New systems cost money that I
simply do not have[1]. So at the moment I've managed to get back on line by
cobbling together even older spare parts. The system only boots about one in
ten tries for some reason - so as long as I don't reboot I might be fine for a
while longer. Not sure why the power LED is out when the system is on either?

Oh, it also took out all of the on demand TV stuff as well :(

In case you are wondering the current system is a decade old Intel Celeron
2.8GHz with 2Gb RAM (DDR 2-533 I think) and a 40Gb Seagate Barracuda hard
drive. So nothing stellar but it's doing it's job - for now.

Grabbing email, doing updates, syncing code repositories and all that jazz
while I can.

Talking of code repositories, still making some good progress on WolfMUD-mini.
I've also had a few people look over the code and comment on it for me which
has been very useful. Thanks for your time guys! very much appreciated :)

Soon I'll have to make a decision. Do I take WolfMUD and try to integrate the
WolfMUD-mini work into it or do I take WolfMUD-mini and add networking,
multiplayer, locking etc to it? Hrm...


  [1] It's no so bad having old, slow systems. I live on the command line and
      don't play games. Also if you get things running fast on a slow system
      it's blazingly fast on a fast system ;)

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