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                   JOURNAL FOR THURSDAY 5TH NOVEMBER, 2015

SUBJECT: Locking, commands and marshmallow
   DATE: Thu  5 Nov 23:57:02 GMT 2015

Last night I had one of the most productive, relaxing WolfMUD Wednesdays I've
had in a long time :) What was I doing? Solving puzzles. Specifically I was
adding the BRL - big room lock - back into WolfMUD and solving the issues it
threw up. This led me to practically reimplementing what I laughingly call the
'parser'[1] which has to handle a lot more state information now. That means
reworking commands a bit again.

Let me back up a bit. Last time[2] I said I was adding networking back into
WolfMUD and to do that I needed to implement locking and unique identifiers. I
had a few comments along the lines of 'Is that really all you need to do?' and
of course it isn't. I simplified things, because... well I just did. In
reality a lot more is required to add networking.

For example, commands. At the moment you can type 'get box' and it responds
'You get a box'. With networking added you need to inform other players what
is going on - 'You see Diddymus pick up a box'.

What would happen if you typed 'give Tass box'? You would see 'You give Tass a
box'. Tass would see 'Diddymus give you a box'. Other players in the location
would see 'Diddymus gives Tass a box'. If the item is small the observers may
see 'Diddymus gives Tass something' instead.

As you can see this means handling up to three streams of text for different
perspectives. The first and second streams are only sent to the participants
and the third stream has to be sent to each observer.

For actions like moving you may have two set of observers. Those seeing you
leave you current location and those seeing you arrive at you new location.

Now what should I call these streams? Maybe actor, participant and observers?
I'm sure there are probably correct grammatical names I should use.

With so much text I really should switch to using bytes.Buffer more instead of
strings. It would also avoid a lot of string/[]byte conversions and reduce

Hrm, my Nexus 7 (2013) tablet just dinged at me and is now installing Android
Marshmallow :)


  [1] What do you call the player you are currently parsing for? The parsee?
      Maybe the parsi? As a side note both 'Parsee' and 'Parsi' are worshipers
      of fire. Also called Gheber. Maybe Gheber then...

  [2] See: ../10/31.html

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