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                     JOURNAL FOR FRIDAY 2ND OCTOBER, 2015

SUBJECT: Did you hear something?
   DATE: Fri  2 Oct 23:54:41 BST 2015

Haven't been writing journal entries again, ouch! :(

October and the nights are drawing in already. Clock go back an hour on the
25th. At least we have Halloween to look forward to soon. /\../\

Week before last I started committing all of my changes for the inventory and
location changes that required me going through all the command code I
currently have implemented. I was supposed to complete that this week but
WolfMUD Wednesday didn't happen and Thursday was a bust as well.

Not my fault!

Wednesday I was watching Google's live streamed press event launching the new
Nexus phones, tablets and other devices. Suddenly my internet connection goes
nuts and I have major issues connecting to anything Google related. I couldn't
even finish a conversation I was having with Josh via hangouts as messages
were not delivered or my messages didn't update so I couldn't see what Josh
was saying :( By the time I'd sorted that out both my Wife's and Daughter's
Android tablets were having issues. Sorted that out and my daughters free 30
day anti-virus subscription ran out. Started sorting that out. Downloaded new
anti-virus, removed old anti-virus, reboot. Windows wants to install a bucket
load of updates before shutting down. Finally reboots, wants to do more
updates as it boots. Wait ages, finally install new anti-virus - which wants
to do a full scan of the machine. Wait ages... is it doing anything? Drive
activity LED flickers, progress slowly goes up, CPU mostly idle... finally
finishes. By this time I'm so fed up and it's late I go and watch some TV
before going to bed :(

Josh and I are still emailing each other great tombs of emails full of ideas
and discussions. Lately we have been discussing sound in MUDs. Not audio but
textual descriptions of sounds, sounds coming from other rooms, the sound of
fights breaking out, sounds drowning out other sounds. It's been a very
interesting topic and has given me a lot of ideas :)

We have also be lamenting over the state of current programmers. What I
actually said was:

  "Programming should be a craft, programmers should be craftsmen, programmers
   who need to be told exactly what to do all the time are no better than code
   monkeys or users - they are as far from programmers as you can get and still
   touch a computer!"

A little harsh? Not really. When I have a job to do I don't want to be doing
their jobs as well - that's what they are supposed to be paid for.

*big heavy sigh*


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