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                  JOURNAL FOR WEDNESDAY 17TH SEPTEMBER, 2014

SUBJECT: Code or update?
   DATE: Wed 17 Sep 21:33:25 BST 2014

WolfMUD Wednesday! What shall I do? Code or update... code or update... lets
write a quick update - it's half way through September already and no updates
to the journal yet :(

As mentioned last time, real life has taken over. I've managed to do some
coding here and there but, honestly, not a whole lot. As with the Java version
of WolfMUD there has been a surge emails - it seems that when a new academic
year starts people cast around for interesting projects and, for whatever
reason, MUDs and WolfMUD become popular :)

Code wise a lot of the player entity has been updated and it's API improved.
The drivers have been updated to handle the new player entity. However the
driver/player interaction is still quite fragile and needs more work - mainly
nil pointers when reusing objects etc. As soon as that's sorted out I think
I'll update the public dev branch so others can play with it.

No witty comments, no footnote references and just a little dash of progress.

Now for some coding. Nope. Fresh coffee[1], then coding ;)

Gah! Now I have a witty comment and a footnote! *sigh*


  [1] Programmer: One who turns caffeine into code

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