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                    JOURNAL FOR TUESDAY 12TH AUGUST, 2014

SUBJECT: Big can of worms
   DATE: Tue 12 Aug 19:55:41 BST 2014

As I predicted I had a quiet weekend with a lot of coding :) I started by
looking at and hacking on the command processing code. However it quickly
became apparent that I needed to sort out item two on my list before being
able to make any real progress.

What was item two?

Item two on my list of 'things I really need to get sorted out' was to
reorganise the package layout. Package layout was reorganised very early on in
this incarnation of the project. However I was still very OOP guided. As a
result the packages tried to enforce a hierarchy that Go does no have. As a
result the current package layout causes a lot of issues. A prime example is
the player package. This lives under /entities/mobile/player but we don't
actually need the player package or the mobile package - it can all be part of
the entities package! The only 'organisation' that is needed is to keep player
and mobile in their own sources files so we don't have huge files to work

Introducing a slight tangent - there was an article[1] I read a while ago
about inheritance and composition. I know the difference and I know Go is
excellent at composition/embedding. I just hadn't given it much serious
thought - weird eh? :( Go read the article and see for yourself...

A long while ago I also did a lot of thinking about how to resolve the HUGE
mess of circular dependencies I was running into and wrote a bit about it[2].
Setting the command process code aside I started looking at package
reorganisation and soon had a lot of circular dependencies and other issues.

It looks like things were worse than I thought. Fret not! I'm working on it.


  [1] Joost's Dev Blog, Why composition is often better than inheritance:

  [2] ../../2013/8/22.html

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