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                     JOURNAL FOR MONDAY 6TH OCTOBER, 2014

SUBJECT: Finally, we got us some progress
   DATE: Mon  6 Oct 19:53:37 BST 2014

October already and the weather has turned wet, cold and wintery as if on cue.

Did WolfMUD Wednesday happen last week? You bet it did. With the way things
have been going recently I made sure to spend a little time on stuff just for
me, and all of you of course :)

When coding things tend to go one of two ways. It either flows easily with
everything just falling into place and progress is phenomenal. Or nothing
works, you spend ages debugging, rewriting code and trying to munge it into
shape, taking ages to do even the simplest of things. There never seems to be
any mundane middle ground where you just code and make a bit of progress.

The weird thing is in the end the feeling of accomplishment is the same. It's
either "Wow that was a great coding session" or "OMG! It's working!". The
difference between the two being the amount of time it takes and sanity lost.

As usual I digress.

WolfMUD Wednesday - and Thursday! - happened and the player refactoring
started compiling and WolfMUD started running properly again. I still need to
do some final testing, tweaking and cleanup but it's looking good - or at
least a lot better than it was.

After all this work and all this time unless you look at the code or work with
the code you won't currently notice any difference :(


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