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                   JOURNAL FOR THURSDAY 30TH JANUARY, 2014

SUBJECT: I really, really do not believe what I did...
   DATE: Thu 30 Jan 22:50:13 GMT 2014

The background:

When coding I keep all of my work in Git. I also do a lot of rebasing and
stashing. In fact I have two aliases configured 'g ss' and 'g sp' - stash save
and stash pop. Quite often when you stash you do so because you want your
current working copy to be pristine. So a short while ago I modified the 'ss'
alias to be:

  stash save -u

The addition of the -u means stash untracked files as well as modified files.

Everything was good.

Yesterday WolfMUD Wednesday happened and I finished off the work refactoring
recordjar and the decoder. In fact everything went really well. I saved a
stash and then applied it back again - that way I'd have a stashed copy if
things don't work out well - and started rebasing changes and committing them.

Once everything was committed I check everything still compiled and ran -
which it did. While checking the commit logs I noticed there were quite a few
old stashes hanging around. Everything was committed so I dropped the stashes
and as I had done a lot of rebasing I did a 'git gc' to do garbage collection
and clean things up. With that done I decided to finish for the night while I
was ahead...

This evening I thought I would write the few encoder bits that account
creation needed. Commit the changes, push it to the public dev branch and then
shout about it. I know everyone has been waiting long enough!

So I wrote the bits of the encoder account creation needed. Then went to hook
it into the account driver and... where was it!? The account driver was
missing :(

Suddenly I realised what I had done *face palm*. The evening before I had just
dropped the stashes. The account driver was a new file in progress and had
not been checked in yet and was untracked. When I dropped the stashes I threw
it away. To make matters even worse I'd done a garbage clean up and thrown away
all of the dangling objects... Argh! :(

I thought I might be able to recover the account driver from one of my Windows
test machines or the Raspberry Pi - nope, no dice. Since I had been
experimenting with cross-compiling I hadn't needed to copy the sources over
for testing... Aarrgghh!

I hunted everywhere on about seven machines. In the end I found an old Vim swap
file from weeks ago that had about half of the account driver code in it :(

So now I have to rework the account driver code I have, refactor it to fit
with recent changes and then finish it again.

How could I have avoided this? Backups would be nice. Well I have backups that
run overnight - but it's only a single backup copy. By the time I'd realised
what I had done the data from the previous backup was overwritten. Currently I
don't have the money to implement proper rotating backups for terabytes of

I also have the habit of not committing stuff to Git until it works and is
ready. This was why the account driver was not committed. Perhaps I need to
work on a 'work in progress' topic branch which I commit to more often even if
things get broken and won't compile. Then when I am ready I can rebase and
clean up everything before committing to the normal dev branch. At least a
topic branch can be pulled and push around different machines easily - at
least until I can afford to do proper backups.


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