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                    JOURNAL FOR FRIDAY 17TH JANUARY, 2014

SUBJECT: Decoders and Encoders
   DATE: Fri 17 Jan 23:17:34 GMT 2014

What a busy old week it's been. Ended up working late on Wednesday so WolfMUD
Wednesday was bumped to Thursday instead.

While working on the account creation code I realise I still hadn't written
the missing half of recordjar. We have a decoder but not an encoder -
something I'd been ignoring until now.

The recordjar decoder was written quite early on and I knew I hadn't got it
right even then. Which is probably why the opposing half was never done.
Before I could start work on the encoder the decoder obviously needed sorting
out first.

While going over the decoder code and trying to decide on the best way to
improve it I found some extreme ugliness in the basic.Init() code. So I became
a little side tracked while I sorted that out. The result is a new helper in
the decoder called decoder.PairList, this little helper will take a whitespace
separated list of pairs - which are delimited by any non-letter or non-digit.
For example exits are defined as:

  Exits: E→L3 SE→L4 S→L2

PairList will return a slice of 2 element string arrays, [][2]string. If there
is more than one non-letter or non-digit the pair will only be split on the
first of them. In the above example we would get a slice of 3 arrays:


Easy to range over and simplified basic.Init() quite a bit.

After that distraction I went back to going over the decoder code. Currently
the decoder helpers take a Record which is not good. For example to decode a
list of pairs we have:


Now we also want that for encoding as well! What I have decided to do is
define Decoder and Encoder as an alias of Record. Now we can have:

  recordjar.Decoder.PairList(property string) [][2]string

  recordjar.Encoder.PairList(property string, [][2]string)

Which makes things nice and symmetrical. Also you don't have to use the
helpers, you can still access properties directly in the record slice if you
want to. For example:

  d.PairList("exits") // Using decoder helper

  d["exits"]          // Direct raw string

So now I'm just switching the unmarshalers over to using decoders and then I
can write the marshalers which will use the encoders. At that point we should
be able to load and save things. This includes saving a player with all their
gear as well - the recursiveness for saving will just be there the same as
loading is now ;)


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