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                   JOURNAL FOR MONDAY 16TH SEPTEMBER, 2013

SUBJECT: Yet more progress with the loader
   DATE: Mon 16 Sep 22:07:32 BST 2013

In an unexpected turn of events I've made even more progress with the loader.

I've been cleaning up the hacky code and it's gone quite well. I dropped
nearly all of the ugly conversions I had and simplified a lot of the
functions. For example:

  func (_ *Mobile) Unmarshal(r recordjar.Record) recordjar.Unmarshaler {
    m := &Mobile{}
    m.Thing = *(m.Thing.Unmarshal(r).(*thing.Thing))
    return m

Is now just:

  func (m *Mobile) Unmarshal(r recordjar.Record) {

The only bookkeeping you need to do is register the types you want to be able
to Marshal/Unmarshal:

  func init() {
    loader.Register("mobile", &Mobile{})

Besides writing type specific init, Init (post Unmarshal) and Unmarshal it's
all turning out quite easy...


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