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                    JOURNAL FOR WEDNESDAY 31ST JULY, 2013

SUBJECT: It's working but...
   DATE: Wed 31 Jul 23:07:44 BST 2013

Hrm... *sigh* ... did I say that reworking the loader was an easy next task? I
lied - big time. I don't know if I'm not thinking 'Go' enough or what. All I
keep doing is finding myself in a down spiral of cyclic imports.

I've been looking around trying to find everything I can on Go best practices
for package design, layout and interaction. My findings were very thin on the
ground. One thing that did get me thinking was an almost throwaway comment -
on the Go Nuts mailing list[1] I think: Interaction between packages should be
done through interfaces.

From what I gather you keep your types and interfaces in separate packages.
Then you seem to have another package where the 'work' is done - all of the
main logic. I think. Or something like that - it made more sense when I read
the comment but can't find it again now.

I'm also reading a lot of the Go standard library sources to try and get more
ideas. At the moment I seem to be fighting with my code way too much which
indicates a definite problem.

So for now I'm reading, studying and cogitating a lot. One thing that seems
certain is that if you try sticking to old OOP ideas using Go you just end up
with a load of Goop :)


  [1] Go users mailing list: https://groups.google.com/group/golang-nuts

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