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                     JOURNAL FOR WEDNESDAY 3RD JULY, 2013

SUBJECT: Shiny new idea from a warped imagination
   DATE: Wed  3 Jul 23:07:42 BST 2013

The other day, out of nowhere, an idea popped into my head! It seemed quite a
good idea so I hung onto it, twisting it this way that, exploring it's many
possibilities... what was this shiny new idea that fascinated me so?

Imagine a MUD with multiple dimensions - a bit like parallel universes
separated by a hair's breadth. Players can move between the dimensions - maybe
knowingly or not. The dimensions could be vastly different - like light and
dark dimensions or just subtly different. Either way the locations in each
dimension should map to each other - as if the dimensions are superimposed
over each other.

Now for the fun bit. Imagine that the dimensions can interact with each other
in subtle ways. For example if something moves through a location footsteps
might be heard in the parallel location. Strange whisperings heard people are
chatting. Doors could appear to open and close by themselves. Eerie glowing
orbs or spirit lights could be caused by light sources being used and carried.
Shadows being cast by things that are not 'there' or apparitions briefly
appearing and disappearing. Foot prints could suddenly appear on soft ground.
The classic rocking chair moving when there appears to be nobody sitting in
it. If there is a fight going on blood could appear as if from nowhere.

If players were unaware of exactly what was happening - especially initially
anyway - and the dimensions were subtly different this could make for a very
creepy or spooky MUD :) This is only a *tiny* fraction of the weird stuff I've
been thinking up while mulling over this crazy idea.

Back with reality I'm still working on logins, player files and such. I've
made some changes and done some cleaning up to make the job easier. However as
I'm not quite sure how the recent changes are going to pan out I've not pushed
them out just yet :(


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