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                     JOURNAL FOR WEDNESDAY 5TH JUNE, 2013

SUBJECT: Update on PROTOTYPE2 release
   DATE: Wed  5 Jun 22:09:56 BST 2013

As I said on Monday I've been working on the PROTOTYPE2 release.

It's not all nice and tidy and documented yet but... PROTOTYPE2 has been
pushed out to the public dev and stable go1 branches. So if you are using Git
or 'go get' you should be able to update quite easily.

For Git:

  cd ~/WolfMUD/src/code.wolfmud.org/WolfMUD.git
  git pull

For 'go get':

  GOPATH=~/WolfMUD go get -u code.wolfmud.org/WolfMUD.git/...

Adjust your paths as necessary - ~/WolfMUD should point to the directory that
contains the bin, pkg and src directories. If you need more help checkout
method 2 or method 4 in the getting started guide[1] - which has Windows and
Linux examples - but note it has not been updated for Go 1.1 or PROTOTYPE2

Soon I should have the binary, source and resource archives ready and the
documentation updated so everyone else can join in.


  [1] See: ../../../downloads/attic/PROTOTYPE2/getting-started.html

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