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                     JOURNAL FOR TUESDAY 9TH APRIL, 2013

SUBJECT: Another push + fallout from last push :(
   DATE: Tue Apr  9 19:49:23 BST 2013

Sunday I pushed the latest development version of WolfMUD out - and broke things
on Windows machines. Sorry, but I didn't have my Windows VMs available for
testing. Although I was being careful I missed one or two things which also
effected WolfMUD's ability to read *.wrj files with "\r\n" line endings.

Fixes have now been pushed out. I've also cleaned up the presentation of paths
on Windows machines to use the correct path separator. This is only cosmetic
but confused a few people.

I also found a bug in the text folding code I need to look into.

This journal update and additional push of fixes has been delayed due to a
sporadic internet connection[1].


  [1] A garden slug probably has better internet connection right now[2].

  [2] A BT engineer came, made things 100x worse and left - should be back
      tomorrow to try again. Thanks! Can't wait...

  Up to Main Index                             Up to Journal for April, 2013