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                     JOURNAL FOR SUNDAY 14TH APRIL, 2013

SUBJECT: Text folding fixed
   DATE: Sun Apr 14 21:41:25 BST 2013

I've just finished fixing the text folding function in WolfMUD and pushed out
the changes to the public development branch. It now covers all of the corner
cases I previously found plus a few found during the fixing. There are also
new tests for the text package  covering all of the corner cases found.

Why did it take so long to fix? Well it's not a simple greedy algorithm that
can just put as many words on a line as will fit. It also has to take into
consideration zero width escape sequences for colour codes. It also only makes
a single copy of the original string. All of the folding is done in-place on
the copied string creating very little garbage to be cleaned by the up garbage

A typical greedy algorithm[1] would take the length of the line so far, add
the length of the next word and see if the total is less than the width being
wrapped to. It would then concatenate a space or line break onto the current
string and then concatenate the new word onto the line. The concatenation can
create a lot of garbage as strings are created and discarded.

Now all I need to write is an unfold routine to unfold the initial
descriptions read from the wrj files...


  [1] See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_wrap

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