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                    JOURNAL FOR TUESDAY 22ND OCTOBER, 2013

SUBJECT: And so another weekend parses...
   DATE: Tue 22 Oct 21:43:47 BST 2013

Managed to spend some time on WolfMUD over the weekend and have been chipping
away at the login issues. So far I have migrated the PlayerList to use a map
of player pointers instead of a slice of player pointers to make duplicate
logins easier to detect and handle. I've also whipped up a 'menu' parser.

The menu parser sits between the login parser and player parser. So what
happens is you connect and get the login parser:

  WolfMUD Copyright 2013 Andrew 'Diddymus' Rolfe


  Please enter your character's name or the name for a new character.

You then login and get the main menu - which is quite sparse at the moment:

  Please select one of the following options:

      1 - Enter the game
      2 - Reread news
      3 - Quit

Option '1' takes you into the game:

  South Bridge You are standing on the west side of an incomplete bridge. By
  the looks of it the city wants to expand onto the far banks of the river. Up
  river to the north you can see another bridge in a similar state of

  You can see exits: West

Things are not quite right yet - the prompt goes missing here and there and
appears in odd places as well. One main issue I'm working on is adding and
removing players from the PlayerList - currently we add but don't remove. I'm
thinking of maybe putting the adding and removing of players into the client
instead of the player login parser. Not sure if I will but it's probably the
easy option for now.

So stuff to fix, stuff to sort out and lots of stuff to tidy up but we are
slowly getting there - and tomorrow is WolfMUD Wednesday ;)


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