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                    JOURNAL FOR TUESDAY 29TH JANUARY, 2013

SUBJECT: Now where should I put my resources?
   DATE: Tue Jan 29 19:57:02 GMT 2013

First of all apologies to everyone who has been badgering me - in a good,
positive way - to get the crowd and recordjar code pushed out. Lately work and
life have had a very annoying way of demanding a lot of my time.

I also have an issue - which has cropped up on the golang-nuts mailing list[1]
before now. I have resources - external data files - how do I distribute them?
Before I was just distributing a single binary - now I have text files as
well. Bundling them 'in' the binary is not an option - you wouldn't be able to
edit them.

I think I'll have to start packaging the binary as a compressed tarball or
something. Maybe a simple self extractor - as I did for the Java version. For
people working with the sources or using 'go get' it's less of a problem
because the repository will have the data files anyway. It's just the
standalone binary download that is being troublesome.

With a bit of luck I'll have worked out a solution to my issue and new code
pushed out shortly...[2]


  [1] Go users mailing list: https://groups.google.com/group/golang-nuts

  [2] WARNING! Holding your breath for prolonged periods of time can be
      hazardous to your health.

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