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                   JOURNAL FOR THURSDAY 17TH JANUARY, 2013

SUBJECT: Klein locations & oubliettes!?
   DATE: Thu Jan 17 22:37:24 GMT 2013

So I've been working on the data file parser and now have all of the current
42 test locations laid out as plain text instead of being hard coded in the
loader. I've also added the four test items to the data file as well.

Now a funny thing...

While setting up the items I accidentally added a location reference to a
different location's inventory instead of using a item's reference. Everything
loaded and worked fine - except I now had a location within another location!

So I experimented a bit more and had four locations: L4 was inside L3 which
was inside L2 which was inside L1 which was ... inside L4! Hrm, I wonder if
there has been a mud where the map was a Klein bottle[1]? :)

So I can now have normal exits from locations and where I had narrative exits
in the Java version I can now use the normal locations and inventories for
special named exits and locations within locations. I wonder if a container -
like a box or a bag - can be a kind of portable location? If a container is
big enough - or you are small enough - there is no reason why you couldn't
enter a container.

Thinking about it the container's location need not be where the container is.
So you could carry around a bag and it's location could be a treasure room
somewhere safe. Put things into the container and 'poof' it's deposited into
the treasury.

Hrm, portable doors anyone? I have a lovely oubliette[2] you can go visit...

Knughftttt..... [3]


  [1] Klein bottle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klein_bottle
  [2] Oubliette: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oubliette
  [3] Brain sprain as nested Klein oubliettes are considered. Should give the
      cartographers a fun time ;)

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