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                  JOURNAL FOR THURSDAY 27TH SEPTEMBER, 2012

SUBJECT: Go 1.0.3 is out
   DATE: Thu Sep 27 18:22:18 BST 2012

Yay! Go 1.0.3 is out with lots of fixes and updates. Just going to go and grab
it for Linux i386/amd64/ARM and Windows i386/amd64 - actually I'm going to
grab the source and compile it five times. Then it's time to do some WolfMUD



SUBJECT: WolfMUD on Go 1.0.3
   DATE: Thu Sep 27 22:13:18 BST 2012

Had to wait around 2 hours for the Go sources to build on ARM - it's running
in QEMU using versatile[1]. So got on with some other work...

     -=[ Time passes. Thorin sits down and starts singing about gold. ]=-

Well everything is now recompiled and running quite nicely. One thing I did
notice was the difference between platforms and the allocated memory and
number of heap objects. Starting the WolfMUD server and letting it settle down
I got the following figures:

                 |              | Idle Server | 10 Players |
                 |   Platform   |  Mem / Heap | Mem / Heap |
                 | WinXP-i386   | 200k   704  | 221k  1050 |
                 | Win7-amd64   | 296k   710  | 330k  1057 |
                 | Linux-ARM    | 334k   540  | 473k   854 |
                 | Linux-i386   | 351k   561  | 401k   864 |
                 | Linux-amd64  | 421K   550  | 547k   840 |

                          Mem = Allocated memory in use
                         Heap = Heap Objects in use

Linux-amd64 was running natively. Linux-i386, WinXP-i386 and Win7-amd64 were
running in VirtualBox and Linux-ARM in QEMU. Well I found the comparison
interesting anyway ;) Need to poke around and investigate a bit more and also
compile some figures for more than 10 players.


  [1] This is where a Raspberry PI would be *REALLY* handy.

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