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                  JOURNAL FOR SATURDAY 22ND SEPTEMBER, 2012

SUBJECT: BT to delete WolfMUD website!
   DATE: Sat Sep 22 16:47:27 BST 2012

Today I was checking my emails and noticed one from BT broadband. I opened it,
read it - might have cried out in an anguished kind of way - then reread the
email. It started:

   We're going to close our free web hosting service


    Because not as many people are setting up and using their own websites
    anymore, we'll soon be closing down the free version of BT Web Hosting.


    Thanks for choosing BT.

    Warren Buckley
    Managing Director, Customer Service

Oh crap :( Ever since I have been with BT for my internet access - from early
dialup to broadband - I have used my BT web hosting for the WolfMUD site! Now
BT are going to delete it all - but I don't know when yet.

It's a good job I've been putting together this new site and I guess it's just
accelerated my plans a bit more than I wanted. So instead of coding on WolfMUD
this weekend it looks like I'll be working on the website and getting ready
for a go live *sigh*

So if you have WolfMUD bookmarked as:


Please update to:


Currently www.wolfmud.org redirects to www.btinternet.com/~wolfmud. Updating
now means that you can get to the new site when it's deployed - Not that you
can read this yet, because it's not deployed! Gah! *sigh* *sniffle*

Thank you BT and thank you Warren Buckley...


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